Gilbert & George David Robilliard Letter
Since beginning designed and laying books out for The Bad Press Manchester I have learnt a little about just how nice Gilbert & George are. Prior to being approached by The Bad Press I knew little about the artists apart from their art and fame.
Gilbert & George had described David Robilliard as their favourite artist, established his career by publishing his first book 'Inevitable' in 1994 and continuously supporting him, they were with David when he died on the 3rd November 1998.
The first book I designed was a collection of drawings and poems by David Robilliard, a hardback and paperback book published by The Bad Press.
When Gilbert & George received copies of the book they wrote this letter to The Bad Press. The handwritten envelope had S.W.A.L.K (sealed with a loving kiss) on the back, a lovely letter writing tradition.
This is the first of several letters they have written to The Bad Press, the more I have worked with them the more I have learnt that they are so personal and lovely.
Hurrah for Gilbert & George!